Take Flight with Beginner Hunting Tips
Photo by CC user myfwcmedia on Flickr
If one of your aspirations in life is to learn how to hunt, there are myriad of ways to go about this.
You could start out hunting some small game animals in the closest woods (where of course hunting is permitted) near your home.
On the other hand, you might want to team-up with friends or family members who like to hunt and travel somewhere out of the area for your first experience.
No matter which option you choose – whether the target is coyotes, deer, bear, turkeys etc. – be sure you’re as ready (educated) as possible before heading out.
Getting the Right Start in Hunting
When it comes to learning how to hunt correctly from day one, there are a number of tips that can prove not only helpful, but could save you or others from serious injury.
Among them:
- Gun safety – First and foremost, make sure you learn all the intricacies that come with using and/or owning a gun. From how to load it, how to properly point it at the animal of choice, how to make sure the weapon is empty before leaving the hunting scene, how to clean it; there are plenty of important steps along the way. If for one second you are unsure of any of these important steps, be sure to ask a professional hunter who is with you at the time. When it comes to the all-important hunting tips for the beginner, those just starting out should always have their minds open to learning as much as possible about guns and hunting in general;
- Hunting terrain – Where you hunt of course can vary each time. Sometimes hunters opt for heavily wooded areas, other times they’re out in higher grassy locales. No matter where your hunting efforts take you, make sure you are as familiar with the terrain as possible. When traveling to a place to hunt that you’ve never visited before, scout it out as much as possible online, along with talking to those who have hunted there before. You can use the Internet to find out the conditions of the area or areas you intend to hunt in. Also discover what kind of animals call the area home. Another important item to note is how far away the nearest medical facilities etc. are. In the event you or another hunter is injured during a hunt (see more below), you want to locate medical assistance as quickly as possible. Keep in mind that you could be in some thickly covered brush, so your apps that work fine out in the open may not here. Finally, make sure the area is open to hunting. If you end up trespassing on someone’s property, it could not only lead to a potential fine, but also a possible run-in with owner of the land. By doing a simple Google search or asking those who know the area best, you can better prepare yourself for an enjoyable hunting experience;
- Healthy experience – Finally, remember that information a moment or two ago about gun safety and/or hunters getting injured? Unfortunately, hunting injuries do happen, sometimes leading to fatal outcomes. Be sure you do everything in your power to make each and every one of your hunting trips safe ones. While many hunters will wear orange vests and/or caps to signify their presence in the woods, others will be wrapped in camouflage, making it harder for the wildlife to see them. In doing so, the hunters can be harder to see, especially if they blend in with trees, brush and other items in the area. If you for one second do not feel like you have a clear shot at an animal, do not take it. As has been proven before, hunters can mistake one another for animals, sometimes leading to fatal outcomes.
Hunting can be one of the more enjoyable experiences in your lifetime, especially if you then pass that love of the outdoors on to your child.
Always remember, however, safety needs to be your number one priority each and every time you load a gun and set foot in the woods or other hunting venues.
For those just beginning the hunt, the goal is always to return from it.